
Friday, 25 June 2021

Reading W8 T2

This week for Reading our goal was: Select from a wide range of genre when reading independently. We had to pick 3 articles from kiwi kids news and explain our thoughts on the article and why. Here are the articles I picked and my thoughts on them.

Straw invented to stop Hiccups - (Marketing and sales) I think this is a really good invention because hiccups are really annyoing and hard to stop. The price seemed pretty reasonable and I would defently buy it. It didn' give me much more infomation about.  

Medsafe approves Covid-19 vaccine for over 12-year-olds - (World news/Health) I think that its really cool that younger people can now have vaccine. It said that schools and community hubs will play apart in helping give the vaccine. In New Zealand there are 265,000 children in the 12-15 age bracket. So there would be lots of vaccines to give. I really enjoyed reading this article. 

Swimming NZ to send 7 swimmers to Tokyo Olympics - (Sport) The article was about the 7 New Zealand competiters going to the Toyko olympics. Erika Fairweather a 17-year-old is a contender for the youngest New Zealand athlete at the Olympic Games. This was intresting to read but there wasn't that much infomaion which meant I didn't learn that much. 

What article seems most intresting to you? 

Friday, 18 June 2021

Math Knowledge Week 7

 This week we did math knowledge. The goal I was working on is: Know groupings of 10’s, 100’s & 1000s in 7 digit numbers. Here is my work:  

Have you ever done this goal? 

Math T2 W7

This week for math the goal was Interpret and use cales, timetables and charts. We had to create a bus journey using bus routes to get around. I did mine wih Ariella. Here it is:

Where would you go? 

Friday, 11 June 2021

Math Week 6

 For Math this week we looked at Perimeter, Area, Volume, Metric Units. We had to create a game that could be played. Here is my game: 

Would you play this game?

Reading T2 W6

 This week for reading we had to create a character web on our favourite book. I did the book Sisters by Raina Telgemeier. Here is my character web:

What character sounds most like you?